Instead of putting up signals, you can use towers and stations when dealing with simple connections. If another train would enter during this time, the train would stop and there would be no collision. In Railway Empire, the trains will enter the track if there is no train in front of them, although there may be a different train in the block. In other games, the train considers every eventuality and doesn't enter the track (if the block is not free), although there is no danger to the train. In Railway Empire, unlike in other games, trains and signalling tend to "think ahead".This way, more trains can travel on the same route without long stops. Building signals thoughtfully will allow you to divide the route into many blocks. the train will leave the station or pass the next signal. Others will wait until another block/section frees up so that the train can keep going, e.g. Only one train can be travelling within one block. Each train can move freely in such a block until it reaches the point that separates it, usually another signalling device. Semaphores (signals) divide routes into so-called blocks.When you put up several signals, the blocks will be shorter and more trains will be able to travel on one route (2). Only one train will travel throughout this entire section. If you set only one entry signal, the block will be long (1).

Each signal, tower or station divides the track. Blocks are sections of track where the train can travel without any obstacles.